Experiencing joy in Mexico
I took a trip to Mexico a couple of weeks ago and it was a total BLAST!
There are a few memories I have about times I experienced joy through experiencing God’s presence. Here they are:
1) The God who provides…Elotes
I was feeling wiped, extra sun burnt, and ready to lay my head for a quick nap. It was the last night of my stay in Mexico and I was trying to get into my air b and b however, the lock was not seeming to work, that, or my mind was slow from the fatigue but either way (haha) I was having difficulty getting into the cozy place to rest my head.
As I was trying to unlock the gate, after about 10-15 minutes or so I heard a voice from what seemed like an intercom started spiking “hello, are you locked out, what is the problem, ma’am?” I respond back, who are you, where are you coming from are you coming from the camera?” “Yes, yes I am, I see you are locked out, I will be right there”
“Phew, I think to myself” and the next thought that occurred to me, “Man I could really go for an elote right now, haven’t had one of those yet in Mexico and it just sounds so refreshing.”
Kid you not, within 10-15 seconds I hear a loud voice yelling, “Elote’s ELotes, Elotes”
I pear behind the bush I am standing by and behold, see the cutest looking older hispanic man riding a bike with a trailer behind him, full of Elotes! I make my way towards this man, yelling “Elote’s si si si!”
Oh man, what a treat. I eat up that Elote and walk back to the gate where my air b and b is, and the timing was just perfect, my air b and b host walks up.
He graciously helps me with getting into the air b and b premises. God provided an Elote I believe to refresh my mind and spirit as I was in a situation that was a little less than ideal. Small provisions, but with meaning to them. I understand it was “just an elote” but it is truly like God, to provide food and refreshment. It reminds me of Hagar’s story, but at a way less intense level. Haha.
2) 4 times in 5 days…Pray
I was spending time at a beautiful blue lagoon in Mexico, sitting on a sunny side of a dock, enjoying the sunshine. I was reading a lovely book while laying on my beach towel and couldn’t help but overhear two individuals next to me chatting about inner healing and recovery from emotional wounds.
I found it to be very interesting and also felt compassion for this woman who seemed to be pursuing healing.
I left this lagoon and to my surprise, the next 3 days, I saw this individual everyday at some point, all in different locations.
By the fourth time I witnesses seeing this person I thought to myself, “okay Lord this is wild, what do you want me to know or do because I feel as if you are highlighting this person to me”
Part of me wondered if the Lord wanted me to pray for her, so that is what I did. & it felt awesome to be able to do so. I pray those prayers were something meaningful.
3) Getting equipped with returning to joy
I was taking time to pray about what this next season would entail for Joy Makers Project. Questions such as what should I be focusing on, Lord, what do you see fitting in this season? This thought about a workshop popped in my mind. “Create a workshop on these 5 topics”, 1 of which was about returning to Joy from upsetting emotions. I found myself pondering this wondering, “but how Lord, how will facilitate this, this would be important for me to first observe and watch how others train others in this, right?”
I left it at that, I figured if the Lord desired for me to press into this, He would provide, I just needed to make my requests known to him.
The next morning, someone messaged me from a ministry I learn much from about relational skills and developing emotional capacities. They texted and offered me a full ride scholarship to this training that would equip me with the skills needed to also help facilitate. Boom, God’s provision. There’s nothing more sweeter and filling of joy to recognize God’s provision in one’s life. For this, I am grateful!