As I was reflecting on Joy Makers Project today and God’s hand in it all, I was reminded of a time when I was questioning if starting Joy Makers Project was ever a good idea and how God answered my wondering within that same hour of wonder.
It was about 2 years ago, I was in rough shape emotionally and had felt like my world flipped upside down after some painful breakages in relationships with important people in my life at that time. My body was weary, fatigued, and worn down, I felt depressed, confused, and anxious.
Someone, knowing I was in rough shape, wanted to help encourage me and suggested I went out and did a Joy Makers walk, they knew in the past I found great purpose in pursuing Joy Makers Project and thought it might life my spirit and encourage me.
So I decided to do just that, go for a Joy Makers walk. But instead of pursuing a random act of kindness, I just asked God to confirm to me on this walk or give me some sort of sign I should keep pursuing Joy Makers Project, because I was struggling, and struggling to know if I, a depressed individual at that time, should be pursuing something like Joy Makers Project, when I wasn’t experiencing much Joy myself at all.
The walk began and about a 1/2 hour in I was walking by a local school. As I was walking by I heard a voice saying something along the lines of, “Hey you! It’s you! Remember me from Joy Makers Project, the mom of the child you gave the basketball too? I’m picking my daughter up right now, the one you gave that basketball to, she’s on varsity basketball you know!” As she finished sharing that, her daughter walked up to the car and her and I smiled with Joy, me saying “wow, it’s really good to see you and you’ve grown up so much.” I was shocked with this unexpected interaction. In that moment my body went from weary and worn down to feeling light, energized, and hopeful.
This person’s daughter was one of the first Joy Makers gifts I had given away when I initially started going out and spreading Joy. I gave away that basketball when I was on a walk to a park nearby, on my way to go hand out other Joy Gifts in the form of a couple sports equipment such as a soccer ball and maybe a jump rope at the time. This person went on to share how much that act of kindness to her daughter had meant and over the years how she had been following along with Joy Makers Project. I hadn’t seen that person in over 4 years.
God answered my wondering through that small interaction that day. I am thankful for His reminder that yes, it was a good idea to have started Joy Makers Project several years ago and it still is a good idea to continue pursuing Joy Makers Project today. After all, this idea, really started as a God idea, and I hope it continues to become something that spreads the Joy of God to those around.
With gratitude,