Joy Makers in the Highschool Cafeteria

I remember in Highschool there were many times I felt lonely, isolated, and discouraged. My body would often times be fatigued and weighed down by the brokenness amongst peer interactions and hurting individuals. I so badly wanted to help show people they were loved by God and spread Joy, at times it felt overwhelming on where to start. 

I remember a thought came to mind one day, "Kailey, it's about one person at a time, be My light, one person at a time." I wondered if that was God speaking to me. It brought peace, hope, and lifted the weight off my shoulders. "One person at a time, I can do that!" I thought to myself, feeling encouraged.

One day, I noticed a student in the lunch cafeteria sitting alone. I also noticed some students close by picking on him. I felt protective and hated what I was seeing, it was wrong. I may or may not of given a stern look at the student's being bullies and simultaneously thought to myself, "I'd like to sit with that student sitting alone and see if he'd like to be friends." So, I went and sat with this individual. From time to time after that first lunch, I'd find this new friend at lunch and sit with him. I deeply enjoyed that time of connecting with him and wondered how those lunch times were for him, too. I know for me, it was refreshing and life giving to sit with him, it brought so much Joy to my heart. I remember each time we ate together, feeling like something simple but profound was happening, but I wasn't sure.

Fast forward to about 6+ years after that interaction, I get a message over Facebook from that very individual I spent occasional lunch times with. With this friend's permission and hopes to encourage you, this is what they wrote: 

"This was several years ago. I was a sophomore in high school and Kailey was a senior. I was eating lunch by myself, messing around with 3D imaging on my computer when Kailey came over and sat with me. It was the first time we had met and it was really awesome to be accepted by someone who was a complete stranger to me. Everyone who I (air quotes) “hung out with” would not treat me as part of the group or at lunch time when I would show up and sit with them they would immediately get up and leave all at once with full trays of food. I felt like an outsider and that no one wanted to be around me. When Kailey sat with me at lunch that day I had a different outlook on things. That I am not an outsider I just need to find the right people to be around. I still struggled with finding acceptance from people for a couple of years but that was due to things in my personal life that I thought would be a deterrent for people to be around me."

Upon receiving this message, I was surprised and humbled. This message came to me at a time I was struggling myself. This friend who took time to write out a message to me, lifted my spirits and spread Joy to me, too.

May we never underestimate what one act of spreading Joy can do to impact someone's life, whether that be making a new friend at lunch or sending an encouraging message, Joy is worth spreading. 

Joy Challenge:
 What does spreading Joy, "one person at a time" look like for you?