Spreading Joy at Escape Ministries

This past week I had an opportunity to facilitate a staff training with a Non-Profit organization called Escape, a ministry that intervenes in the lives of youth who fall through the cracks of society. Escape Ministry stands in the gap for many marginalized youth in Holland Michigan, and provide resources, opportunities, and relationships full of staff passionate about seeing these youth discover their worth and identity, together. Click here to learn more about what Escape does, it's a wonderful organization to support! 

During this staff training, we explored together what it could look like to increase the experience and spreading of Joy within Escape's work culture and how these Joy building skills could be implemented into the culture of Escape for the students, too! It's crucial for youth to experience large levels of Joy for healthy development and growth, and many youth who attend Escape, are coming from backgrounds lacking much needed Joy.

With that said, it was a real privilege to come alongside Escape staff and support them! I was thrilled with this opportunity and during the training, I felt energized, grateful, and motivated to continue gaining more understanding of the significance of Joy, so that I can also learn how to better pass it on and share with others. Are you part of an organization seeking support with building a more joy filled and healthier team culture? Reach out, I'd love to connect with you on group training opportunities. 

In addition to Joy being crucial for healthy development and growth, Trauma research and studies on healing and recovery are also recognizing how important the experience of Joy is for humans in order to flourish, recover from life's hardships, and to heal from trauma. I also continue to be so grateful learning about Joy from Chris with Thrive today and The Life Model way of being community, together.

I'm looking forward to seeing Joy Makers Project kick off with the online cohort community. You can click here to check this opportunity out. My plan is to make it affordable and accessible for anyone interested in growing their Joy levels and training their brain to experience and spread more Joy. More to come on this soon!