Joy Makers on Social Media

There are endless ways to spread Joy within your relationships and communities and one creative way to do that to the masses is through social media.

I knew social media was lacking some Joy because when I would scroll I’d often see discouraging status’s, fighting in the comments, and what appeared to be lot of relational hurt through the screens. When I would see this my body would become heavy, my heart would sink, and I would feel sad, disappointed, and discouraged.

Instead of sitting in the heaviness, disappointment, and discouragement, I took it upon myself to make a change by spreading some Joy on social media and doing my best to model something different.

One day I set aside a 1/2 hour out of my day to scroll through social media with one mission in mind, “spread Joy” through my comments over other people’s news feeds and status’s, do whatever I could to help others experience and spread Joy.

So that’s what I did. As I sat on my computer for that half hour, purely looking for ways to spread Joy online, I found my body relaxing, my heart felt warm, a smile appeared on my face, and tears formed in my eyes. I felt peace, Joy, passion, and love for those I was interacting with online.

I commented on the status of someone who was sharing their insecurities about their body image and told them they were beautiful, I reached out to an old Highschool classmate who expressed online they were struggling with their mental health and took time to share with them what I appreciated about them, I commented affirmations on people’s profile pictures that didn’t have a lot of comments or likes, those sorts of things, are what I took time to do in that half an hour, that mission to spread Joy online.

It was like me to take a discouraging situation and to model something different, it was like me to spread Joy online. It’s like us, you, me, whoever is made in God’s image to experience Joy, Spread Joy, and live out being Joy Makers, together.

How do you spread Joy online?

With love,

Kailey with Joy Makers Project