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Joy Makers in Guatemala

A couple months ago, I had an opportunity to go to Guatemala, exploring what it could look like to help Missionaries and Local Ministers experience and spread more Joy. I was thrilled with this opportunity and during the time in Guatemala felt energized, inspired, and excited about caring for individuals and communities who work so hard to care for others. 

While in Guatemala, I was able to have individual times of connecting with Missionaries and Local Ministers to hear about their experiences and needs. It was a delight to connect with many wonderful people, learn and hear their stories, and do my best to encourage them. At the end of the week there was an opportunity to provide a training that helps individuals and communities experience and spread more Joy. This training focused on education and practice of specific brain science skills rooted in biblical principles, that help build individual's relational and emotional capacities to stay their healthiest designed selves as they continue to minister to those around them. 

For as much as I hoped to contribute in someway to help others experience and spread Joy, I came back to the states with truckloads of it. Guatemala was beautiful and the individuals were so special. Even though I was physically exhausted and needed to work the next day (running off minimal sleep), the Joy I was experiencing from that time, energized my body the rest of my work week! Another beautiful thing about Joy, it strengthens us. Isn't it cool that God designed our brains and bodies to be fueled by Joy? 

To combine international missions, people of different cultures and backgrounds, care for the hearts of others, and talking with people about experiencing and spreading Joy all in the same week, felt like a gift wrapped up in the most beautiful bow. It was a thriving week! I'm excited to pursue Missionary Care wherever the opportunity may present itself and am grateful to be able to develop this partnership with those living in Guatemala, I can hardly wait to go back. 

I've been so blessed to learn about Joy from my good friend Chris with Thrive today. It's changed my life and understanding of how important Joy is to our emotional, relational, spiritual development and maturity. I can't help but want to share it with others so, let the Joy Making and Joy Spreading Mission, continue!