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Experiencing joy through the 1 page miracle

Our brains are designed for building joy as a life long process and they’re also designed to function off of goal setting. We get to choose how intentional we want to be with that! Investing your time into reflecting upon and writing out your goals in four primary categories of life such as relationships, work, money, and self can help train your brain to experience satisfying activities that help you reach your goals, allowing you to develop a more joyfilled life. It’s a simple yet profound activity, that can assist in your transformative potential! Ready to try it out with me?

Next to each category below, write down what you want in each area. Keep it positive. Make sure you write it down in first person such as “I want.” It’s suggested you carry this 1 Page miracle around you for a few days to reflect on it and refine it, and so you can stay up to date on your life’s primary objectives.

On a daily basis, you can ask yourself, “Is my behavior today getting me what I want?” Doing so will help you focus your behavior and actions on the things that matter most to you. It also helps you develop greater self-control, which is key to better decision-making.

Do this, and you’ll be on track for living a more conscious, intentional, and purposeful life. Your energy will expend on things that bring joy. Let’s do this thing!

  1. Relationships

  • Spouse/partner

  • Children

  • Extended family

  • Friends

  • Clients

    2. Work

  • Short-term goals

  • Long-term goals

    3. Money

  • Short-term goals

  • Long-term goals

  • 4. Self

  • Physical

  • Emotional

  • Spiritual

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