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Experiencing joy after a window crack

Thanksgiving came and it went with a lot to be grateful for yet I did receive one surprise thanksgiving night I wasn’t particularly fond of. On thanksgiving night, while I was laughing away with some friends playing a card game, tucked away in a warm, cozy house, sipping on some root beer, someone hit the side of my front car door and disappeared, no note to be found.

Upon seeing the dented door and chipped paint, I felt bummed. I felt disappointed that whoever it was that hit my car, did not leave any way for me to contact them and make amends. I also felt sad, I was going to need to dig into my savings for this repair, otherwise the rust monster would eventually win and eventually I would not have a functioning front door. My options were looking slim.

A week prior or so, I received another surprise, this time from Mother Nature. As I was driving on a highway to visit a friend, the smallest pebble hit my windshield and gifted me with a crack. Attempting to minimize my internal disappointment, I think to myself, “Oh, it’s just a small crack.” The week goes on, and the crack starts to get a bit bigger and eventually after multiple weeks, the quarter inch pepple crack grew into a windshield wide, crack. “Oh no, this is looking like it might need some attention, too, this crack is growing by the minute it seems,” I think to myself. I swallow and feel a lump in my throat.

I was tempted to feel frustrated by these unexpected events. I could feel the disappointment welling up inside of me. I could sense the worry of diving into my savings account start to strain my mind. I felt overwhelmed.

But then I remembered, what is it like me to do when I feel overwhelmed, sad, or fearful? I talk with someone who I trust, I talk with a bigger mind that can help guide me. So that is what I did.

I talked with Rich my mentor, I asked for his input on what he would do in a situation like mine with the newly dented car door. I then pursued a second opinion. I reached out to Britton and I asked what he would do in a situation like mine with a newly dented car door and later on, a window crack.

Rich and Britton both gave me feedback on what they would do and also provided contact information for an individual and business that could help me.

Upon these conversations with Rich and Britton, I felt my body ease of its tension, my brain felt more peace and less strain, I felt calm and no longer overwhelmed. All would be well.

Though I did not enjoy the surprise car door dent nor the surprise people crack, I did find satisfaction and joy in knowing I had people in my corner I could reach out to and seek input and guidance from, and that is what I choose to dwell in, the appreciation for those two individuals and the gift it is to have community by my side.

Thank you Britton and Rich, I so appreciation your presence in my life. You bring me great joy.